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Our FAQs page provides answers to common questions about our behavior analyst services, including information about assessments, intervention plans, and consulting services.

  • How can parents and caregivers be involved in behavior intervention?
    Parent involvement is vital in behavior intervention. This involvement beings at the onset of assessment by providing vital information of their child and during behavior intervention by effectively supporting their child during his/her behavioral need.
  • What is a functional behavior assessment?
    A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is an assessment where we gather information by observing the individual within various environments and collect interviews and rating scales from those who know that individual best. From what we learn we determine the function of the behavior. Or the why. There are four main functions of behavior (attention, access, escape/avoidance, and sensory). Once we know why the behavior is occurring, we create a behavior plan to address the need.
  • What services does Dr. Sarah Nicole Consulting LLC offer as a behavior analyst consultant?
    Dr. Sarah Nicole Consulting LLC provides behavioral support for parents/guardians. Services do not require your child to have a diagnosis. Online consultation provides an individualized person-centered approach. Based on the family values and the goals for behavioral needs. Some areas of support may include breaking generational and trauma-based discipline styles, functional behavioral assessments and independent education evaluations (IEE), and advocating for behavioral support. Services are provided remotely and in person (depending on location).
  • How can behavior analysis be useful in supporting my child?
    Behavioral Analysis can be utilized to teach your child new skills and create a plan to support them through behavior needs such as tantrums, biting, elopement, and hitting. Skills taught can include learning routines (i.e., such as bedtime and bathing) and more broader skills such as communication and play skills.
  • What is person centered thinking?
    Person centered thinking is a foundational principle—requiring consistency in language, values and actions—that reveals respect, views the person and their loved ones as experts in their own lives, and equally emphasizes quality of life, wellbeing, and informed choice. In other words, person centered thinking puts individuals first, listen carefully and learn who they are and what they want from life, then work together to set goals, create personalized plans, and put them into practice. Being person centered also means always treating others with dignity and respect
  • What is trauma-informed care?
    Trauma-informed care acknowledges the need to understand an individual's life experiences in order to deliver effective care and has the potential to improve individual’s engagement, treatment adherence, health outcomes, and provider and staff wellness. The Five Guiding Principles are; safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment. Ensuring that the physical and emotional safety of an individual is addressed is the first important step to providing Trauma-Informed Care.
  • How long does it take to see results from behavior intervention?
    Behavior intervention is to be individualized; the length of time depends on the individual's’ behavioral needs and skill deficits. Consistency and effectively identify contributing factors to occurrence of behavior often provide quicker results.
  • What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?
    Applied Behavior Analysis is branch of Behavior Analysis that utilizes scientifically proven techniques to support behavioral needs. ABA therapy is a service line that utilizes these principles and techniques to support individuals in need. Often behavior relate ABA therapy to supporting individuals diagnosed with autism; however, such support and be utilizing with all individuals and ages.
  • What is Behavior Analysis?
    Behavior analysis is a science that studies the behavior of human and non-human organisms. The focus of this science is to understand, explain, describe, and predict behavior.
  • What is a behavior intervention plan?
    A behavior plan is a fluid document that provides strategies in supporting the behavioral needs in question. A Behavior Plan is derived from the Functional Behavior Assessment where the function of the behavior is identified. A behavior plan consists of Antecedent strategies, replacement behaviors, and consequence strategies. Antecedent strategies are strategies you can utilize to prevent a behavioral episode. Replacement behaviors are skills that are taught to meet the behavior needs. They often consist of communication, self-help skills, and plays skills as behavior episodes often communicate that there is a need that needs to be met. Consequence strategies are strategies that occur after the behavioral episode is observed.
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